Eight years ago, In 2010, when I just graduated from UNG, I went back to Ampana. Stayed there for almost 1 year. There had been many times I saw most of the tourist guides in Ampana liked to rip off tourist; they had the perception that Europeans, Americans or people from western countries are rich, they would always double the price of something with western people. I tried to help most of the tourists who visited Togean by becoming a "volunteer guide".
I did not hope or ask any money or anything from them. All I wanted to do was to help them. I left a post on Lonely Planet ( a website where travelers meet and discuss specific destination) and also I left my email address so they could read it and contact me if they would need any help to get to Togean. I even had an argument with one of a greedy tourist guide when she was trying to "steal" 100 USD from Norwegian family and almost reported her to the local police. I stood on what I believe "Believe in your dreams & practice kindness every day, you never know who you meet and where you end up tomorrow!"
I also believed and knew that one day I would be in their shoes, I would end up somewhere and would need help from other people. So, I made sure to help those people who needed my help, especially providing information about Togean; how to get there and where to stay.
And guess what I got from helping them voluntarily every time I got a chance?!
I got a chance to improve my English
I learned more about other countries
and I also got a scholarship (Community College Initiative Program) which was sponsored by U.S Department of State in 2011-2012. The scholarship which took me to the United States of America for the second time, and the scholarship which changed the way who I am today. The scholarship that saves me from becoming an ignorant and selfish person.
I learned more about other countries
and I also got a scholarship (Community College Initiative Program) which was sponsored by U.S Department of State in 2011-2012. The scholarship which took me to the United States of America for the second time, and the scholarship which changed the way who I am today. The scholarship that saves me from becoming an ignorant and selfish person.
In 2010, 8 years ago, before I went to U.S, Xavier Cloet and Kaka Doensent me an email and asked some information about Togean. They were in Jakarta or Poso when they contacted me and planned to meet, but since I was in CCIP selection process, we thought we won't be able to meet.
But God has his own way, finally, we managed to meet in Ampana where I took them to Tanjung Api (I wrote it on my blog in 2010). We spent few hours in Tanjung Api before they leave for Togean. It was a great time for me to get to know them. Before we said goodbye to each other, I told them
"one day, I will come to Europe and meet both of you there" They answered me with one promise
"if you come, let us know, you will get free accomodation, meals and we surely will be your guide in Belgium".
I smiled and said, "one day inshAllah it will come true".
Since that time, I kept telling myself that I will go to Europe, study there and visit them.
And here I am in Europe, visiting my brothers from another parents in Belgium. Janji 8 tahun yang lalu telah mereka lunasi (gratis makan, dan tempat tinggal serta jadi guide pribadi LOL).
Thank you big brothers, for inspiring and making me a person with dreams. I learned more and had a great time with you.
See you in Indonesia in the next 2 years.
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