Hi Guys,
How are you doing?
I really miss to write here. The last time I posted something here was in August. Well, now here I am again. You know I have been trying to give sometime for myself so I could update my blog at least once or twice in a month, but I could not do it since I don't have my laptop with me anymore although I always have something to share to you.
Well, anyway, I am planning to get a new laptop inshAllah in the next 2 or 3 months, keep my fingers crossed.
Alright, since this is a new year 2014, here what I have on my mind, I mean I have some ideas or people call it new year resolutions. I actually had never made any resolutions, but I think it is good to have one so we can keep with what we want to expect for the next one year.
You know, since I was a student at the University I have always dreamt to have my own house in the city where I live now, Gorontalo. I love this city. It is a very quiet and peaceful place to live. People here are friendly and the transportation is very good. Also there is no traffic like some other big cities in Indonesia. I actually have lived here since 2005 since I studied in Gorontalo State University. Then I graduated in 2010, I went to Ampana and as you know in 2011, I got the scholarship and spent my life in the US until 2012. Now here I am, I came back again to this city to work here. Actually I got some offers from some places to work in another cities, but I refused them because I don't think I would love to stay or live in another city beside Gorontalo. Also, I have made good friends here. So that's why I feel comfort to live here.
This year, I am planning to get a new house since I have always lived in a dorm which costs me around 100 dollars for each month and I have lived in a dorm since 2005, can you imagine if I have bought house since 2005 I could have owned my own house by now?!. Yeah I know . . but sometimes, when we were young we did not have time to think or we never thought that we actually want to spend or live in once city forever. All I have on my mind when I was in the University was "I just come to Gorontalo for studying". I never thought that I would live here when I get job. Back to the plan of buying house, I have discussed my plan with my mom and dad and they support me in this. I am planning to get BTN house where I can pay for the down payment first and will pay every month for the next ten years. I know ten years is a very very long period of time, but there is no other choice here, so I will go with it; getting a BTN house. I hope I will get the house at least in the end of 2014.
Continue My Study
Beside the plan of buying a house, I am also planning to continue study outside Indonesia inshAllah. I plan to study about the Tourism and Hospitality Management because I have started to like in working in hospitality Industry. Everyone asks me why do I still want to continue my study if I have got a better job now in a four star hotel in my city. Well, the reason is because I want to apply a job as a Tourism and Hotel Management lecturer in Gorontalo State University in the next few years. I really hope that I can find a scholarship to study Tourims and Hospitality Management in the U.S, Australia or in Europe. Aamiin . .
Learn More about Islam
Honestly, I am not a perfect Muslim. There are still some knowledge about Islam which I do not know or I have never learnt. Starting from today, I will keep reading about the Islamic books or articles. I feel really poor or even worst when some people asked me about some questions related to my religion and I could not answer. I don't want it to happen anymore. I want to spend my time or my free time to read Alqur'an, InshAllah. I hope I will become a "good Muslim woman" inshAllah.
Anyway, those are my New Year 2014 Resolution.
I will try to make them come true and I will try my best. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.
So, what is your new year resolution, folks? :)
From Gorontalo with love,
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