Hi everyone,
Happy Mother's Day!!!
I am happy today since I had a very good experience.
You know, this morning, I went to a traditional market. I was trying to get some groceries because I wanted to cook since it is Sunday, my only day to cook.
When I was walking to the vegetables section, I saw a grandma walking very slow in from of me. I thought she walked really slow because there were some people in front of her but it was not because of it. She walked really slow because of her age. I saw there were a lot groceries in her hands. I was sure they are very heavy. I told to myself "come on, please help her. She needs your help, Nur"
I came closer to her and said "excuse me Oma (that's how local people call grandma here) do you mind if I help you with your groceries?"
She was surprised and looked at me. Then she said " no I am fine, thank you"
I smiled again and said " it is okay Oma, you don't have to worry about anything. You look very tired and those plastic bags look heavy. I can take it and bring them for you"
She finally smiled " are you a volunteer?"
Uh I miss that word when she mentioned it. I gave her a big smile when she mentioned volunteer word.
" Yes I am, I want to help you because you look very exhausted"
When I was talking to her, most of the people who were there, looked at me and whispered "who is she? What is she trying to do?"
I only gave them smile.
The grandma gave her plastic bags full of groceries to me and let me help her.
I let her walk with me and hold my arm while walking beside me. She walked beside me and kept smiling.
"Where are you from? What is your name? Where do you work and Why are you helping me?" I walked slowly tried to have the same steps as she does,
" I am Nur and I am from Central Sulawesi. Now I am working in a hotel, Maqna hotel. I am helping Oma because I cannot see you holding heavy bags and you looked very exhausted."
" but you are very nice. No body ever helped me like you do"
" hehe it is okay Oma" I giggled
We walked and stopped on the rice section. She was taking some more bags there. And I asked " is it your groceries too?"
"Yes, they are mine"
"Well, let me put my groceries here so I can take all your groceries with me. I will come back and get my groceries later once I take you to the Bentor (a traditional transportation here)"
She said "no no, it's okay I can take it with me"
I insisted and said to the owner of the rice section "do you mind if I put my groceries here? I will come back and get it later" The woman said yes.
I put all my groceries there and take all the grandma's groceries with me.
We walked and waited for the Bentor on the street.
"Nur, you are so nice. Are you married?"
"Hehe .. Thank you Oma. I am not married yet"
"Oh, if I have a single son now or a grandson, I would have asked you to marry my son or my grandson"
This time I couldn't hold myself to laugh.
" it is okay Oma. You don't have to think about what I am doing. I help you because I have a mother who is in her 60s. Someday I also will get old and need people's help"
She hold me and kissed my forehead and said
"I am proud of you, although you don't know me but you help me, thank you very much"
She gave me her address and asked me to visit her sometime.
Before the Bentor left, I took her right hand and kissed her hand (we do this as a respect to our parents or older people)
When she kissed my forehead, I got tears on my eyes because of happiness. I didn't realize that I help her and it meant so much for her.
I felt very happy today after helping her. I kept smiling as I went back to get my groceries.
I really couldn't stop smiling today after helping her and I don't know what's the reason.
I guess kindness will always make us happy and it brings smiles.
That's my story today what's yours?
Happy Mother's Day everyone.
Spread the love to the universe
From Gorontalo with Love,
What a nice story Ms. Nur :)
You are so kind....
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