
Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

Solve Your Problems

Dear my children,

I am writing this blog to let you know that I keep thinking about you.  Although you are not here, in this world yet. And every time I think about you, I want to share things I have been through everyday.

Today I decide to write some advises for you. I need you to read and keep in your mind that one day you will need my opinion and I hope I will be there to give you suggestions or even just to listen to your complaints but even if I will not be there, I hope you can learn from this post I made special for you .

When you grow up, you will face problems everyday. You will have problems with me, your dad, your sister, your brother, your friends and all people around you.

Problem will be always there and it is okay. But the most important is how you face those problems and how you learn from every problem you get.

It is okay to get scared, it is okay to cry when you face problems, but don’t run from your problems. Face your problems and try to find solution. Just please make it work. And the best way to face it is by talking and communicating with people who you have problem with.  Ask and invite them to talk, not in public but somewhere quite where it is only you and that person.

First thing you have to do is apologize to that person, tell him/her that you are really sorry. You have to do that and you meant it.

Do not pretend that you are sorry. Then try to explain what she/he needs to hear (remember don’t be selfish). Ask what she expects from it. And try to put yourself in her/his shoes.

Try to understand her/his situation. And try to find solution together and make sure that when you both get the solution, one of you does not feel to be intimidated. Ask how she or he feels about it and make sure that you hugged or shake their hands and say “I am sorry for the things I have created, I am just human and I hope you will forgive my mistakes”. I want you to say sorry even you are not wrong or even you think you are right.

Do you know why I write all these here?
Because I also always have problems with people around me including my sister, my brother, my manager , my friends and even with a person that I love. But I never wanted to ignore them. I always want to solve those problems with them. And honestly, I cannot sleep well when I have problems with people I love. I just can’t. If I go to bed when I still have problems with them, I will have difficult time to sleep or even if I fall asleep, when I wake up in the morning, I will feel really bad about it and it will ruin my mood. And I never want it to happen. That is why I always want to solve those problems and the only way to solve it is by talking to them not by talking about them behind their back, because if you talk about them behind their back, they will never know what you expect from them, they will only know that you hate them for no reason.

So, please, solve your problems, don’t run from it. By solving your problems, you will become more mature and you will learn more from those people you have problems with.

I know sometimes it is so hard to do it, but believe me, if you do what I suggest you, you will feel more relax and happier. And keep on your mind that only bad people keep their anger inside their heart and I know you are not a bad person, please do not make me disappointed.

I hope you will learn from it and keep it in your head and heart. I will write again tomorrow.

Hope you are always well . .



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About Me

Foto Saya
Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia
I like travelling, reading novels and watching movies.
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