
Senin, 03 Januari 2011

CCIP: Nominated Candidates

YAY!! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah . . . .
Tadi, jam 7 P.M, I got 6  new emails on my inbox. When I opened it, I was surprised and jumped to read one of the email. You know what made me so surprised and jumped?

I got the email from AMINEF yang mengatakan bahwa aku lolos sebagai candidate yang akan berangkat ke US untuk program CCIP angkatan 2011! YAY!! I DID IT! I DID IT! My body was shaking when I read the email. OH MY GODNESS!! Few weeks selama masa penantian akhirnya aku mendapatkan kabar dari AMINEF . . .  Rasanya bahagiaaaa banget telah berhasil membuat para interviewers mau memberikanku chance for me to study in the US for one year. Ya Allah.... I don’t know how to express my feeling right now . . . Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah . . . now it’s time for me to wait the news from Washington D.C . . .

BUT one thing made me  bummed out

After reading the email, I went to check my fb and at that time I read a posting from Jusni (another CCIP candidate from Makasar), seemed like she also got the same email as I did. But it didn’t make me happy because when I read some comments in her posting, I read that two of my friends, Pak Supir dan Big Stone (that’s how I called them),  another CCIP Applicants from Manado did not get the email (yet). I was staring on my laptop for almost twenty  minutes. I did not do anything. In my deep heart, I talked to myself. “Ya Allah... Why they did not get the email??” why? They are nice people. They really are. Oh My God, please give us a chance to meet again” when I talked to myself, tears dropped in my cheeks. . .

Aku benar2 berharap agar besok, ketika mereka bangun pagi, mereka akan menemukan email tersebut di inbox mereka . . . Sungguh terasa menyakitkan ketika mengetahui mereka berdua tidak mendapatkan notif tersebut . . . they always made us smiling and laughing when we were in Jakarta for the CCIP Interview and the ITP test . . . dua hari di jakarta sangat berarti buatku dan juga bagi teman-teaman lain. Right now, I feel happy, tapi perasaan  bahagiku hanya terasa sepintas . . .  I am still thinking of them . . .  ya Allah . . . please give us chance to meet again . . . I really hope . . . Big stone, Pak Supir . . . sabar ya . . . smoga kalian akan mendapatkan yang terbaik buat kalian . . . dan smoga kita bisa ketemu lagi... miss you big stone and pak supir.. ku berharap akan menemukan teman2 seperti kalian . . .  it was really nice to meet and know you both . . .  I hope that tomorrow morning, when you wake up, you will get the email from AMINEF . . . tapi meskipun nantinya kalian belum mendapatkan email tersebut, mungkin Tuhan telah mengatur sesuatu untuk kalian . . . Sabar ya Pak Supir and Big Stone . . . I will always pray for you . . . . .

For those who did not get the notification from Aminef, just please keep trying and keep believing that you will get another chance because God always has His own plan for you...  
Tetap semangat ya . .


Anonim mengatakan...

Good luck ya Nurdahlia,...Walaupun ga semua dari qta yang bisa lanjut ke audisi selanjutnya (SUARA INDONESIA: MODE ON) tetep Lanjutkan ke EKSIS an qta, wakakakak...
Selamat juga buat nominated grantee lain ya, PR tuh ya setahun, belajar gimana qta bisa mengembangkan diri dengan semaksimal mungkin disana, dan give back itu lagi to community and contribute to nation`s development sepulang ke tanah air....

Qta semua generasi muda Indonesia yang akan mewarisi tanggungjawab akan negeri ini di masa depan. So, do your best...!! 頑張って下さい。。!!

Salam bombay tapi yang tetep semangat dari Manado,


PS: Aq salah satu interviewed grantee yang ngga bisa ke audisi selanjutnya...:)

fatra mengatakan...

conratulation chay...
and do the best for ur nation if u back 2 indonesia... :)
miss u friend...

Anonim mengatakan...

you're really a good friend, my little sista ^_^ (xixixixixi....little so? ane stow e?...wkwkwkwkkw)......
u know, God knows everything what the best for us.....for our life ^_^...there is another way that He will give to whoever is desired......

Winnie mengatakan...

Wah, selamat ya dah nominated...
it will be a great experience :)

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Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia
I like travelling, reading novels and watching movies.
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